A Practical Guide to Personal Data Security

Navigating the twists and turns of personal data security can feel like exploring uncharted territories. It’s like safeguarding your own…

A Practical Guide to Personal Data Security
Photo by Jason Dent on Unsplash

Navigating the twists and turns of personal data security can feel like exploring uncharted territories. It’s like safeguarding your own digital treasure trove from invisible threats. I’ve gathered some wisdom on how to armor up against cyber threats, and I’m here to share these insights with you. Let’s talk about how to keep your digital kingdom safe from identity thieves and lurking risks online.

Where is your Info Stored?

Taking a peek at your digital footprint might seem like flipping through pages of your online life. You’ve got devices left, right, and center. Your faithful laptop, trusty smartphone, and that hidden thumb drive. But wait, personal info sneaks in through websites, transactions, and service providers too. Time for a digital inventory, let’s see what’s where.

Think of your online life as a canvas where every social media post, shopping spree, and financial move paints a picture. Social platforms, banks, service providers, they all contribute to this digital mural. But how does this info reach you? Is it through emails, websites, or old-fashioned snail mail? Categorize your data. From passwords to financial details and figure out where it resides. Your devices, the cloud, or cozy archives of trusted services?

Let’s pause and consider who’s got access to your personal information. Those app permissions and account settings. Did we give them a thorough check lately? Maybe it’s time for a privacy tune-up across your various online hangouts.

Digital Detox: Personal Data Removal Services

This is where personal data removal services come into play, acting as your digital custodians to help de-clutter and regain control over your online footprint.

DeleteMe: This subscription service scours the internet, systematically removing your personal information from data broker sites, people search engines, and public databases. Its proactive approach ensures ongoing removal, minimizing the chances of your data resurfacing.

PrivacyDuck: Unlike automated services, PrivacyDuck adds a human touch to the process. This privacy-focused service manually removes your personal information from various online platforms and data brokers, offering a more personalized and thorough approach.

Intelius Opt-Out: If you’re looking to take control of your information on a specific data broker platform, Intelius Opt-Out empowers you to do just that. By verifying your identity and requesting removal, you gain more direct influence over your data within the Intelius database.

Deseat.me: Simplifying the account cleanup process, Deseat.me scans your email accounts, presenting a comprehensive list of online accounts and services associated with them. This allows you to easily manage and delete or unsubscribe from accounts cluttering your digital space.

Manual Method: If you have plenty of time on your hands, you can also opt to remove your personal data manually on your own for free.

Privacy Tools

Password Managers:

Let’s kick things off with the heavyweights, Bitwarden and 1Password. They’re like your personal safe for all those login details, strong master passwords, encrypted vaults, and unique passwords for each account. It’s the ultimate fortress for your passwords!

File Encryption:

Now, let’s dive into encryption software, such as VeraCrypt or BitLocker. Think of them as high-tech locks protecting your files from prying eyes. It’s like having an impenetrable digital chest!


You might have heard about VPNs like PIA VPN. They’re the cloak of invisibility for your internet connections, shielding you from snoops and preserving your online privacy.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

And of course, there’s the trusty Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) apps. They provide an added layer of security, generating time-sensitive codes for your accounts.


Finally, let’s give a nod to the reliable backup solutions like Backblaze. They’re your go-to wingmen, always there to rescue your data in case things go south.


These tools aren’t just gadgets; they’re your partners in securing your digital world. Your online story is as unique as your fingerprint, with every click and login shaping the narrative. Together, we’re all contributing to a safer online world, where our shared concerns drive collective security.

As you gear up armed with these insights and tools, remember, it’s your story to protect. Each chapter should echo your commitment to keeping your data safe, your privacy intact, and your digital identity truly yours. Ready to script your tale of resilience in this digital journey? Let’s dive in together!